PNG Stockholm +50 meets FORCERT the Organisation


FORCERT is a Non Government Organisation (registered as a Not-For-Profit-Company) based on New Britain Island in Papua New Guinea. We have about 20 staff that work from three offices with remote communities in the East and West New Britain, New Ireland, Morobe and Madang provinces.


FORCET's Vision

  • A resilient and self reliant community of Papua New Guinea living in harmony with nature, maintaining their traditional culture and meeting the needs of the present. Yesterday for now and tomorrow.


  • Community values and maintains their cultural identity and traditional knowledge.
  • All families have good access to basic services including improved housing, education and health.
  • Customary land ownership is reconfirmed, strengthened and upheld.
  • The community is knowledgeable about all issues affecting them and their rights. They consider their future and make the best possible decisions.
  • All families meet their basic needs through improved organic agricultural techniques for food gardens and cash cropping.
  • The forest is healthy and full of plants and animals, the rivers and creeks are clean and the sea is always blue and full of fish, turtles, dugongs and dolphins.



Work to empower communities

We build and strengthen community ownership of their process of change. We facilitate, support and guide. The community leads.

Balancing social, economic and environmental aspects

Our life and future is dependent on us balancing our social, economic and environmental values and interests. Only then we will achieve real sustainability.

Approach in the Melanesian way

We are guided by the wisdom and knowledge gathered by our ancestors. Working in the Melanesian way the community will be able to manage their own process of change.

Innovative, excellent and different

We want to try new things, searching for what works best for Melanesian communities in the ever-changing global context.

Flexible, adaptive and changing to improve

All communities are unique and each has their own best way to manage their change. We learn from the communities we work with. We adjust and improve to better serve each one of them.

Equal participation

Women, men and youth are all involved in their community’s process of change and share leadership. Together they drive the process and achieve changes that benefit all.

Working collaboratively

We seek to work collaboratively aligning our efforts with Government, civil society and responsible actors in the private sector.

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