The following guiding questions are aligned to each of the three main Leadership Dialogues planned for the Stockholm+50 meeting and will be integrated into the overall consultation agenda and report. Please refer to the question number in your comment.

LD3: Accelerating the implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the context of the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development:

  1. What are the biggest challenges we are facing in implementing the commitments to the 2030 Agenda and other environmental commitments (MEAs)? How do we create an enabling environment for delivery on the ground?
  2. What are the good practices and pathways that you would like to see scaled up to accelerate the implementation of the environmental dimension of Sustainable Development in the context, of the Decade of Action?
  3. How to transform governance and legal systems that maintain long-term economic stability and ecological and social wellbeing for all? 
  4. What measures are needed to align public, private and development finance with existing commitments and priorities?
  5. What type of partnerships from the UN and beyond are needed to accelerate a green and sustainable economic transformation that leaves no one behind?
  6. What capacities and technologies are needed to improve human wellbeing in harmony with nature? nature?

Comments (2)

Sonia Uwimana
Sonia Uwimana

Q12. The biggest challenge that we are facing is neglecting the minor elements or details that might contribute to environmental issues. For instance, inappropriate disposal of the non-biodegradable products or tools that we utilize in our daily life such as combs, snacks containers, and cosmetic packages

Claudia Sepúlveda
Claudia Sepúlveda Moderator

Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Sonia. Todo lo que nos dices es relevante para que tomemos conciencia de cambiar.