Welcome to the Data and Analytics space!

Join us to help countries map out future development scenarios, using a variety of data tools and insights to measure development progress

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Join our growing data and analytics community by clicking "Follow". This space was created for you to connect with colleagues working on data and analytics, participate in SDG data-focused events and trainings, and access experts and methodological guidance.

Explore the Data Futures platform

Data Futures Platform

TOOL | UNDP's Fossil Fuel Subsidy Simulator

Launched on: 27 Oct!

Explore how phasing out fossil fuel subsidies can free up resources for development priorities

RESEARCH | Leaving No One Behind: Impact of COVID-19 on the SDGs

Understand the multi-dimensional effects of the pandemic and the pathways for SDG progress based on the latest research

TOOLKIT | UN Inter-agency SDG Acceleration Toolkit #BuildForwardBetter

Browse this compendium of 100+ tools for analyzing system interconnections and enhancing policy coherence

DASHBOARD | Global Dashboard for COVID-19 Vaccine Equity

Explore the latest data to illustrate why vaccine equity is a critical driver of a fair and sustainable COVID-19 recovery

TOOL | International Futures (IFs) Modeling System

Understand how policy interventions affect development targets through a long-term modeling system

TOOL | Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)

Learn about poverty metrics, in line with the SDGs, to better analyze the many ways in which people are left behind

STRATEGY | UNDP Data Strategy #NextGenData

Read up on the corporate direction and structure in use and governance of data at all levels of our organization

TOOL | Climate, Land-use, Energy and Water Systems

Learn how to assess the interlinkages between production and consumption resource systems and climate change