POLICY BRIEFS | African Futures Project

SparkBlue • 1 July 2020

The African Futures Project is an ongoing collaboration between the Pardee Center and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), headquartered in Pretoria, South Africa.

The ISS, established in 1991 as the Institute for Defense Policy, is a pan-African think tank focused on issues of human security. The Pardee Center and the ISS have come together to leverage each other’s expertise and to develop a series of scenario-based, quarterly policy briefs on topics such as the potential for a green revolution or for malaria eradication in Africa (each brief also has a supporting video feature). Together, they provide forward-looking, policy-relevant material like the African Futures 2050 report, a comprehensive look at expectations for human development, economic growth, and sociopolitical change in Africa over the next four decades.

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