The Climate, Land-use, Energy and Water Systems (CLEWS) methodology has been employed in a variety of projects that span over different scales and regions, with partner institutions across the world. 

CLEWS projects implemented by UNDP-UN DESA.

In supporting countries to devise policies for achieving sustainable development, UNDESA and UNDP provide support by building models to answer key policy questions, enhance capacities to run and interpret modelling scenarios, and strengthen skills to communicate key results.

All country projects:

  • Are demand driven, implemented at government request and in close communication with officials to address specific national needs and interests
  • Last between 6 to 24 months, depending on the complexity of the models, data availability, existing technical capacities and institutional dynamics
  • Require strong collaborationwith government counterparts and the establishment of an inter-ministerial technical modelling team where diverse institutions pool expertise

COUNTRIES: Bolivia, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kyrgyz Republic, Mexico, Mongolia, Paraguay, Senegal, Uganda, Viet Nam.

Click here to learn more about the CLEWs projects implemented by UNDP-UN DESA.

CLEWS projects developed by other partners

The projects aim at disseminating the importance of nexus thinking for the development of integrated policies and sectoral strategies, that are sound and effectively contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development.

? Click here to learn more about other CLEWs projects developed by partners.

? Click for all resources related to CLEWs. Go back to the CLEWs Dashboard.

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