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UNDP’s #WeBelongAfrica  is a programme designed to support state entities in sub-Saharan Africa to become increasingly accountable and responsive to, and inclusive of, LGBTI people and young key populations. This, in turn, aims to  contribute to better laws, more responsive public sector services, and social norms that affirm these populations’ perspectives, needs and rights. WBA integrates two projects, namely the “Inclusive Governance Initiative” (IGI) and the “Southern Africa Young Key Population Initiative” (YKP).

#WeBelongAfrica’s focus on inclusive governance seeks to directly contribute to a vision of improving the capacity of states to understand and deliver on their obligations as human rights “duty bearers”. This emphasis on inclusive governance addresses a critical gap in current actions to advance LGBTI and young key populations’ rights and inclusion in Africa, as well as resonating strongly with UNDP’s mandate, Strategic Plan, and strengths.

Key elements of #WeBelongAfrica are:

That state entities need to be able to fulfil their obligations, which requires relevant institutions (judiciary, parliaments, national human rights institutions, traditional authorities, etc.) to be responsive, transparent, and accountable to all their citizens, including in the case of this initiative to sexual and gender minorities.

That citizens – including LGBTI and young key populations – need to be aware of their rights and commitments made to them, to be able to make their voice heard, and to hold authorities to account.

That there need to be spaces and processes for citizens and state entities to interact, negotiate, listen, and learn with a view to improving outcomes.

The program  intends to contribute to outcomes including:

  • Strengthened commitment and capacity of African decision makers to be responsive and accountable to, and inclusive of, sexual and gender minorities and young key populations; to understand and support their rights and perspectives; and to promote equitable SRHR and HIV outcomes.
  • Strengthened capacity of LGBTI and YKP activists and allies from other SDG-focused social movements (gender equality, poverty alleviation, health for all, etc.) to sensitize and influence relevant decision-makers and to hold authorities to account. 
  • Increased inclusion, participation, representation, and influence of diverse African LGBTI populations and young key populations, and their allies, in relevant laws, policy, strategies, and decision-making.
  • Relevant national-level plans, strategies and guidelines related to HIV and SRHR that increasingly reflect countries’ international human rights and public health commitments.
  • Increased use of African ideas, evidence and innovations that support LGBTI and YKP inclusive governance and related work.
  • Sustained and increased international donor funding for LGBTI and key population regional work in Africa.

We invite you join our Network for LGBTI+ Activists and Allies Working on SDGS

Network for LGBTI+ Activists and Allies Working on SDGs (

To review resources, events and join online discussions please refer back to the main community page. We look forward to engaging further with you!

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