We are on stand-by to help address technical questions and queries you might have about the installation and use of the International Futures modeling tool. 

Pardee Center and UNDP SDG Integration teams 

? Go back to the main page of the Training on the Use of IFs to Model Impact of COVID-19 on the SDGs

Comments (40)

Babatunde Abidoye
Babatunde Abidoye Moderator

Welcome to the participants to the training in International Futures for Costa Rica and Peru!

Let’s use this Discussion Room for any technical questions and queries you might have about the installation and use of the International Futures modeling tool. Looking forward to engaging with you!


on behalf of the Pardee Center and UNDP SDG Integration teams

Yuko Hirose
Yuko Hirose

Hello, I was able to successfully download the zip thanks to Serge's link, but am unable to install in my computer as I don't have Adminisitrator priviledges (error attached). I unfortunately do not have access to another device where I can download the software. Would this make it difficult to join the training?  Installation error

Jonathan Moyer
Jonathan Moyer Moderator

Dear Aboubacar:

Does the response from Keith below help solve the problem you are dealing with?  Any more details?


Thank you

Keith Gehring
Keith Gehring Moderator

Our apologies and we will do our best to help you through the installation. Most issues are due to the following:

1) The user does not have Administrator rights. If so, please contact your technology support staff and request installation to be performed by a user with Administrator rights.

2) The installation process was unsuccessful. Please use the following process:

> Close all existing applications.

> Copy the "IFs with Pardee 7_53 June 29 2020 UNPD Training.zip" (.zip) file to your desktop.

> Extract the contents of the .zip file to your desktop using the 'Extract All' option. Please note that opening the .zip file (but not extracting its contents) will cause errors and an unsuccessful installation.

> Open the 'IFs with Pardee 7_53 June 29 2020 UNPD Training' folder and find the file 'IFsSetup.exe'.

> Right-click on the 'IFsSetup.exe' and select 'Run as administrator'. Click 'Yes' to begin the installation.

> Accept all defaults by clicking 'Next' when prompted. Click 'Finish' to conclude the installation.

> Depending on your computer, the installation will create either a desktop or taskbar icon for the application denoted with "IFs". If not, click 'Search Windows' from the taskbar and type 'ifs'. This should show the application and allow you to start it. You can then pin it to the taskbar or create a desktop shortcut.

> Delete the .zip file and the 'IFs with Pardee 7_53 June 29 2020 UNPD Training' folder from your desktop.

Please do note that the application runs exclusively in the Microsoft Windows environment.

Keith Gehring
Keith Gehring Moderator

Mac and other OS users, as well as those waiting for tech support can access the online version of IFs here as a temporary solution. You may experience latency issues causing various errors and the UI is somewhat different, so we still encourage all users to install the full version as soon as possible.

Mac Albert Gordon Shaw
Mac Albert Gordon Shaw

Hello there, I am looking for the recordings of the first training sessions, but have only been able to identify the first one, and it looks like I need a password to access it. Would you be able to advise how to view the training sessions?

Mac Albert Gordon Shaw
Mac Albert Gordon Shaw

Sorry to come back to you on this one, but I am having trouble accessing the Second Office hour. It tells me the password is wrong. Do you mind double checking if it is correct? All ok with the other sessions.

Mac Albert Gordon Shaw
Mac Albert Gordon Shaw

Hi again, I am playing around with the graphs within the Specialized displays -> SDG Graph and not sure how to clean up the scenario legend names, as I could with the flexible displays. Could you advise?


Keith Gehring
Keith Gehring Moderator

Unfortunately, the SDG specialized display does not easily allow for changing the legend as in flex displays. When you find a limitation in graphing options, always consider exporting the data to Excel where you have far more options. In the SDG display, you'll see the data option to the far right, followed by File > Save Data from the menu.

Babatunde Abidoye
Babatunde Abidoye Moderator

A warm welcome to the Training on modeling the Impact of COVID-19 on the SDGs using the International Futures tool on behalf of the moderators! It will take place on 25 May and 9 June 2021. Find out more in the training plan and the FAQ.

In this Discussion Room, don’t hesitate to share any technical questions and queries you might have about the installation and use of the International Futures modeling tool.


on behalf of the Pardee Center and UNDP SDG Integration teams

Nadine Ravaud
Nadine Ravaud Moderator

? Dear participants, greetings and welcome from the coordinating team! See below how to get started with the training?

  • Important! Download and install International Futures before the training! The .zip file is accessible directly from this hyperlink. Kindly note that you will need a Windows operating system as well as administrative privileges to install IFs on your computer. If you have an OS X system, a virtual software will be needed. If you encounter any issues, please post your questions below!
  • Reading: Please read up on the required reading. You are also encouraged to review the training plan, browse all IFs resources, and read the FAQs
  • Connection details: The first session of the IFs Training will take place on 25 May 2021, 08:00 AM EDT New York (2:00 PM Geneva, 3:00 PM Amman/ Addis Abeba, 7:00 PM Bangkok), Join Zoom Meeting, Meeting ID: 879 8445 3888, Passcode: IFTraining 

Looking forward to your participation!

Barbara-Anne Krijgsman
Barbara-Anne Krijgsman

Dear Nadine Ravaud,

I registered for the course and have been trying to install the software as indicated on my iMac. It has been impossible to do and now have a difficulty time returning to my original OS X.

For the installation - have been trying to download this since yesterday and I keep seeing that it will take between 22 to10 hours to install. I just stopped it as it was going nowhere.

Can you confirm that I can still attend the session without access to the software?

Also - can there be a way to make this accessible for OS machines which is less complex?



Jonathan Moyer
Jonathan Moyer Moderator

Hi Barbara-Anne Krijgsman:

I am sorry you're having problems installing the software--it's a very large file.  Following the instructions here can help you install on a Mac, but the software is designed to work on a PC, unfortunately:  https://pardee.du.edu/use-international-futures-ifs-apple-macintosh

Another option is to use online version of the model which works on the Mac, though it does have some fewer options available:  http://www.ifs.du.edu/ifs/frm_MainMenu.aspx  

It has the same structure and many of the same features, but will be more difficult to individually change the SDG Push scenario, for example.  But please do let us know if there is more we can be helpful with!


Haryanti Sunarta
Haryanti Sunarta

Dear Nadine Ravaud  and Jonathan Moyer,

Similar to Barbara-Anne Krijgsman, I had to drop my plan to attend yesterday training because the process to install the software in my Macbook is very complex. I am working from home so I have a very limited IT support to install it. I hope that there will be a kind consideration to have a more mac-user friendly software  next time.



Val Man Lecka
Val Man Lecka


j'ai un problème. après voir installé le modèle, je n'arrive pas à l'ouvrir, quand je click sur l'icone IFs c'est le message suivant qui apparait. merci de m'aider.


David Bohl
David Bohl Moderator

Hello Val Man Lecka, 

During the installation, did you change the directory where IFs is installed? If yes, I would suggest reinstalling the model using all the default options.

Another suggestion would be to run the installer as an administrator (i.e. right clicking on the installer, and selecting "run as administrator"). 

Finally, please make sure that you have extracted the installer from the original compressed file (as opposed to running it from the .zip file).

Please let us know if your issue persists.


Val Man Lecka
Val Man Lecka

IFs est un bon outil d'analyse, j'en apprecie vivement.

j'ai quelques preoccupations

1- comment exporter les données du modèle vers excel?

2- est il possible de modifier le type de graphique?

3- comment modifier un scenario ?

4- ces scenarios ont ils été formulés en tenant compte de la situation de chaque pays?


Jonathan Moyer
Jonathan Moyer Moderator

Hi Val Man Lecka:

Thank you for your question/comment!

You can export data by going to Flex Display, Table, Save

You can modify a graph by double-clicking on the graph interface

You can modify a scenario by going to scenario analysis, quick scenario analysis with tree.  There are also resources here (though only in English!):  https://pardee.du.edu/guide-scenario-analysis-international-futures-ifs

The model is based at the country level, so the base model run is tailored to each country development context.  The scenarios that we created had some country-based parameter interventions, but others were global and regional.  So it is a mix.

David Bohl
David Bohl Moderator

Thank you, Val Man Lecka, we are glad that you find it useful.

  1. You can export values from any table using the "Save" menu item. Here is a video tutorial: https://pardee.du.edu/repeating-features-within-tables-save-table

  2. There are several graph options available. If you are in the "Flexible Display" you can select the type of graph you wish to create by going to "Other Graphs" in the top menu, and select from the options.

  3. You will learn about how to modify a scenario in our next training on June 9th. If you are interested in learning more about that before the training, please see the "Guide to Scenario Analysis" (https://pardee.du.edu/wiki/Guide_to_Scenario_Analysis_in_International_…), or any of the videos labeled "Scenario Analysis" on this page: https://pardee.du.edu/ifs-course/getting-started-quick-reference

  4. The scenarios were primarily developed globally or for broad regions. However, since the model represents the unique situation of each country through the data used to initialize variables, country-level results are still relevant. One long-term objective of this project is for UNDP partners to adapt the scenario assumptions to better reflect the goals and contexts of the specific countries and regions they work within. This will be discussed further in the next training.

Val Man Lecka
Val Man Lecka

OUI j'ai suivi la video pour exporter les donnes vers excel, malheureusement quand je clique sur save, save normal view et save To clipboard, je ne trouve pas le fichier excel.



David Bohl
David Bohl Moderator

After saving a table to the clipboard, you will need to paste (ctrl+v) it into Excel. If you wish to save a table as an Excel table, please use the 'Save > Save Normal View > Save To File' option.

Val Man Lecka
Val Man Lecka

Bonjour Equipe,

je tiens d'abord à vous feliciter pour cet outil tres interressant pour les bureaux pays afin d'affiner leurs analyses sur les ODD en lien notamment avec l'impact du Covid.

j'ai quelques preoccupation:

1- comment faire pour avoir les graphiques suivant :(i) le pourcentage de la population de la republique du congo par exemple vivant sous la pauvreté non monetaire (ODD 1.2) outre la pauvreté monetaire  (Poverty >1,90 Percent of population); (ii) People living in extreme poverty in low and medium human development countries;

2- il y a t elles d'autres possibilités de faire des analyses croisées entre la pauvreté et d'autres indicateurs par exemple la pauvreté et les transferts sociaux...


David Bohl
David Bohl Moderator

Hello Val Man Lecka,

Thank you for your kind words, I am glad that you find the tool interesting and useful.

Regarding (1.i): IFs does not explicitly represent the multidimensional poverty index (MPI) we do include most of of them. In the Flexible display you can find the measures of:

  • undernutrition in the "Development" category,

  • child mortality in the "Health" category,

  • years of schooling and primary enrollment rates in the "Education" and "Education Primary" categories,

  • cookstoves, sanitation, water, and electricity in the "Infrastructure Physical" category.

The dimensions of housing and assets are not currently covered in IFs.

Regarding (1.ii): Measures of extreme poverty can be found in the Flexible Display under the "Poverty" category. You can look at these indicators for any country, or for different regions by switching the "Geography Options" (found in the top menu) from "Using Countries/Regions" to "Using Groups".

Regarding (2): If you're interested in a cross-sectional comparison of measures you can access this feature from the Main Menu by going to "Data Analysis" and then selection "Analyze Across Countries (Cross-Sectional)". For more information regarding how to use this feature see the following resources:



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