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This webinar series focuses on building the IPPN members’ capacity to better understand a systems perspective on policy integration and acceleration; and integrated policy solutions, including curation of tools and resources that support the design and implementation of cross-cutting policy solutions. This is a public event, open to all, don't hesitate to share widely among your partners and networks!

About this webinar

Join us for the second IPPN Knowledge Café to explore the work of the regional UN Issue-based Coalition on Sustainable Food Systems (IBC-SFS)* to support policy coherence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the opportunities and challenges of interagency and multi-sectoral collaborations in delivering integrated policy support to UN Country Teams. We will also review the follow up to the first-ever UN Food Systems Summit (September 2021), which provided a unique opportunity to engage Member States and stakeholders across multiple policy domains to galvanize action and discuss integrated policy issues for food systems transformation in the region.

Please find the agenda below:

  • Welcome and scene-settings remarks: Serge Kapto, Policy Specialist, SDG Integration Team, UN Development Programme
  • Presentation: Mary Kenny, Food Safety and Consumer Protection Officer, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
  • Q&A and exchanges with the audience

* The IBC-SFS is a regional UN platform established in April 2020, advising UN Resident Coordinators and UN Country Teams to facilitate a coordinated UN system response for promotion and strengthening sustainable food systems in Europe and Central Asia, as key to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. Co-chaired by FAO, UNICEF and WHO, membership also includes IFAD, UNDP, UNECE, WFP and WMO.

About the speaker

Mary Kenny is the Food Safety and Consumer Protection Officer, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (ECA) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and Delivery Manager for FAO’s regional programme of work on 'Transforming Food Systems' and facilitating market access and integration. Mary manages the regional programme of work on food safety, responding to countries’ needs to develop policies and national food control systems; to strengthen value chain operators capacity to ensure food safety from farm to fork; and to use and contribute to the development of Codex Alimentarius food standards. Prior to joining FAO in 1995, Mary worked in the UK and Ireland as an Environmental Health Officer with public health, and regulatory compliance responsibilities, and spent six months at the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. Mary’s educational background includes a Degree in Environmental Health Officer and a Masters in Food Science and Technology.

Connection details

Date: Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Time: 8:00 AM New York | 2:00 PM Geneva | 4:00 PM Addis Ababa/ Istanbul | 8:00 PM Bangkok

No registration needed, join us directly on Zoom: https://bit.ly/IPPN_Cafes, or click on the Zoom link: https://undp.zoom.us/j/81834094699 (no password).

Session materials

Watch the recording below, click for the presentation (or download below), and find other relevant resources in the comments section.

The Integrated Policy Practitioners' Network (IPPN) is a one-stop-shop for integrated policy practitioners, operating as a knowledge hub for the global community. IPPN aims to link existing efforts on SDG integration across UN agencies and beyond, and enabling cross-pollination and learning to enhance the UN System-wide capability to practice and deliver high-quality integrated policy support. IPPN is a joint effort under the auspices of the UNSDG Task Team on Integrated Policy Support.

Browse the IPPN website: https://sdgintegration.undp.org/IPPN

Join the IPPN group on SparkBlue: https://www.sparkblue.org/IPPNgroup

Sign up to receive updates about the IPPN: https://bit.ly/IPPN_Sign-up

Any questions? Drop us a line at: [email protected] or ask us anything here

Comments (3)

Nadine Ravaud
Nadine Ravaud

Dear IPPN community, thank you for joining today's Knowledge Café! Find attached the PPT presentation, and a reminder on how you can stay informed about IPPN updates and activities:
- IPPN Concept Note: https://www.sparkblue.org/content/concept-note-introducing-integrated-p…
- Browse the IPPN website: https://sdgintegration.undp.org/IPPN
- Join the IPPN group on SparkBlue: https://www.sparkblue.org/IPPNgroup
- Sign up to receive updates about the IPPN: https://bit.ly/IPPN_Sign-up

Cc' Serge Kapto Arsen Vartanyan Joshua Gimba

Nadine Ravaud
Nadine Ravaud

Dear IPPN community, please find below some key resources shared today during the event:
- Regional UN Issue-based Coalition on Sustainable Food Systems (IBC-SFS) and the online repository of key documents: https://unece.org/issue-based-coalition-sustainable-food-systems,
- Regional UN Issue-based Coalition on Sustainable Food Systems (2021), Working Draft on “Specific Food System Challenges and Priorities in the ECA Region to be Considered when Transforming Food Systems and Improving Sustainability”: https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2021-08/Specific%20Food%20System%…
- FAO (2021), Policy Brief on “Food Systems Transformation: Promoting Sustainable Local Value Chains by Improving Food Systems for Better Food Security and Nutrition”: http://www.fao.org/3/cb2482en/CB2482EN.pdf
- UN Food Systems Summit website: https://summitdialogues.org/, and the side event on “Accelerating SDG Progress in the Time of a Pandemic: Improving Food Systems to Make Healthy Diets Accessible to All”: https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2021-03/Session%201-2%20Food%20sy…
- Community of Practice on Food Systems: https://foodsystems.community/communities/food-systems-in-europe-and-ce…
- UNECE (2021), European Regional Forum on Sustainable Development: https://regionalforum.unece.org/index.html, which this year will take place on 6-7 April 2022

Saripalli Suryanarayana
Saripalli Suryanarayana

Nadine Ravaud, the arrangements are very good.Thank you. I am arranging a webinar from Institution Of Engineers[India] on February 19-20, where our MILS-ISC[UNESCO] is also participating. I will enclose the final brochure shortly.

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