Presentation by Columbia University Students on the Potential Role of Sustainable Hydrogen for Development in the West Africa Region

Geoffrey Omedo
Geoffrey Omedo

šŸ’” Did you miss our recent webinar on the Potential Role of Sustainable Hydrogen in Select West African Economies? 

Then do not worry. We have some key highlights here, just for you! 

This learning webinar by Graduate Students from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs was organized collaboratively by the UNDP's Sustainable Energy Hub and the Climate Hub.

The presentation explored the potential role of Green Hydrogen, specifically highlighting some emerging prospects for climate action, agriculture, transportation, and industrial development. Ultimately, renewable energy expansion within the West Africa region could open numerous co-benefits such as green hydrogen production opportunities!

This presentation was unequivocal - thorough research, development, and commitment are still needed to domesticate some of the emerging best practices, enact relevant policy frameworks, and unlock new investment opportunities needed for deploying sustainable hydrogen for development in this region.

We invite you to get more insights below, and let us know what you think about green hydrogen! 

New to the hydrogen space?

šŸ‘‰ This National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) slide deck can offer some foundational information to orient you to some of the concepts in this presentation."

#EnergyForDevelopment āš”ļøšŸŒ 


šŸ“… Wednesday, 17 April 2024

8:00 AM Panama | 9:00 AM New York | 1.00 PM Accra | 2.00 PM Abuja | 4:00 PM Addis Ababa/ Amman/ Istanbul | 8:00 PM Bangkok


Agenda and Speakers

1. Welcoming Remarks by UNDP

2. Statement by Columbia University SIPA
3. Presentation on Sustainable Hydrogen for Development 
4. Interactive Plenary Session 

šŸ’Ž From this research, You'll learn about how:

  1. The global community is increasingly recognizing the pivotal role of sustainable hydrogen in achieving net-zero targets, particularly within challenging sectors such as heavy industry.
  2. Developing nations can utilize sustainable hydrogen ecosystems to advance policy objectives related to food security and industrialization.
  3. Despite the opportunities from sustainable hydrogen, uncertainties and the presence of numerous hurdles makes it imperative for governments to carefully assess the potential trade-offs in establishing an H2 ecosystem and implement a 'no-regret strategy' to H2 scaling.

Key Takeaways:

1. Future Forward: Hydrogen is the game-changer in achieving global net-zero emissions! From fertilizer production to ironmaking, its applications are endless, especially where alternatives like electrification fall short.
2. Boundless Opportunities: West Africa is ripe with potential! Scaling up hydrogen can slash emissions, bolster key sectors like agriculture and industry, and fuel net-zero-aligned industrialization. Green hydrogen holds the key to energy access, water security, and regional economic growth!
3. Facing Challenges Head-On: Transportation hurdles, tech risks, and high costs are real. Yet, the West African context adds complexity with uncertain demand and financing woes. But we're ready to tackle them!
4. Financing the Future: International collaborations are our ticket to success! Through tech transfers and capacity building, we're mitigating risks and enticing private sector investments in hydrogen infrastructure.
5ļø. Tailored Policy and Strategic Planning: It's all about strategic planning! With tailored regulations, push and pull incentives, and standards, paving the way for resilient and thriving hydrogen ecosystems.


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