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ℹ️For more information, visit Transforming Systems in a Decade of Action and UN Action Learning Lab

We are pleased to invite you to “Learning Insights: Leading Systems Transformation in the Decade of Action”, a side event to the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. The event will take place on Wednesday, 14 July 2021, 7.30-8.30 a.m. New York | 6.30-7.30 p.m. Bangkok. Register here: https://bit.ly/HLPFinviteSDGi


In January 2021, UNDP launched a series of Global Dialogues and a UN Action Learning Lab to strengthen systems leadership capabilities for the Decade of Action. The 4-month initiative was advanced as a collaborative powered by UNDP’s integration function, with FAO, UNHCR, UN Women, UNCDF, UNV, UNEP and DPA/DPPO, and facilitated by the Presencing Institute, an independent non-profit incubated at MIT.


Moderated by Laurel Patterson, Head, UNDP SDG Integration Team, this event will showcase learning insights on systems transformation through the experience of the UN Action Learning Lab and explore implications for its application in development contexts.

  • Opening remarks:
    • Haoliang Xu, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of Bureau for Policy and Programme Support
  • Speakers:
    • Mariam Kakkar, Head, UNHCR Global Learning and Development Center
    • Karuna Kumar, Strategic Planning and Innovation Specialist, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub, and Lab participant
    • Otto Scharmer, Senior Lecturer, MIT, and Founding Chair, Presencing Institute
    • Nicole Anand, Lucas Teixeira Vaqueiro, Julia Wieslawa Szagdaj, Sudeepti Rachakonda, Learning Team, Parsons School of Design at The New School

Connection details and session materials

To view the presentation slides see, click here: https://bit.ly/HLPFslidesSDGi.

Please find the video recording below (or see the comments section).

 SDG wheel GIF Click for all events related to SDG Integration. Go back to the CoP SDG Integration dashboard.

Comments (3)

Nadine Ravaud
Nadine Ravaud

? Thank you everyone for your participation today! You can find the recording and the chat at this hyperlink (https://undp.zoom.us/rec/share/Tiv5b35sN2SstPMZPoKdDO-s71h-SBLOpoK_12Id…), using the passcode: !89Ne%6T

? Please find key links shared by the panelists during the webinar:
- Presencing Institute, 4.0 Lab: Re-inventing the Future: https://www.presencing.org/files/4.0-lab/4.0-Lab-Overview.pdf
- UN Chief Executives Board for Coordination, Senior Leadership Commitments for the Future of Work in the United Nations System: https://unsceb.org/sites/default/files/2021-04/2021.HLCM_.6.Add_.2.Rev_…

And a couple resources shared by participants during the webinar:
- UN Joint Inspection Unit, Policies and Platforms in Support of Learning: Towards More Coherence, Coordination and Convergence: https://www.unjiu.org/sites/www.unjiu.org/files/jiu_rep_2020_2_english_…
- Global Integrity, What we do and why we do it: https://www.globalintegrity.org/resource/global-integrity-what-we-do-an…

ℹ️ For more information, follow #Transformation tag on SparkBlue: https://www.sparkblue.org/transformation (log in to SparkBlue first, then please click follow “Transformation”)

? Follow #TransformSystems on Twitter (https://twitter.com/hashtag/TransformSystems?src=hashtag_click) to join this journey on social media

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