Exploring Viable Responses to Corruption in Liberia

Ezgi Ozturk
Ezgi Ozturk

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to a webinar organized by UNDP Liberia on "Exploring Viable Responses to Corruption in Liberia" on Wednesday, 18 August at 12:00-1:30 PM Liberia | 8:00-9:30 AM New York.

webinar flyer

While Liberia remains at the bottom of Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, recent draft legislation aims to spearhead structural reforms towards tackling corruption in Liberia, empowering among others, the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) with greater prosecutorial autonomy.

This webinar will bring together a diverse panel of Liberian and regional anti-corruption practitioners with the aim of developing and refining the current legislative and policy solutions, based on cross-sectoral dialogue and comparative country experiences. The webinar will offer a venue to co-create solutions that reduce the negative impact of corruption on Liberia’s socio-economic development. Such solutions are likely to be transferrable across global development contexts and of immediate utility to anti-corruption specialists in government, civil society, the legal profession, and the UN programmes family.

The upcoming webinar will provide an overview of the current legislative and policy responses in the fight against corruption, including an overview of challenges, innovative approaches, and a reflection on how UNDP can engage with key learnings. 


  • Cllr. Kanio Bai Gbala , Vice-Chair, Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC)
  • Cllr. Frances Johnson Allison, Legal Practitioner & Former Head of Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC)
  • Francis Ben Kaifala, Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission, Sierra Leone
  • Nadine Rugwe, Team Leader, Transformative Governance, UNDP Rwanda
  • Harold Marvin Aidoo, Executive Director, Integrity Lab-Liberia


  • W. Lawrence Yealue, Chair, Accountability Lab

For further information, please see the attached concept note and agenda.

To join, please click https://bit.ly/3CGtZ7w!

We hope that you can join us!


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