

Development progress is faced with a new era of global challenges – the pandemic, a deepening climate emergency, and related socio-economic shocks. 

In response to the crisis, official development assistance (ODA) reached a new high in 2020. Nonetheless, ODA alone will not suffice to meet rising needs to confront these challenges. Many countries have seen themselves forced to increase borrowing for response and recovery, often diverting funding away from planned sustainable development activities. Public debt is increasing and the pandemic and climate-related disasters have strained limited public resources, slowing down, and in some instances, reversing progress towards the 2030 Agenda.

In this critical time, effective partnering based on trust is a compass and catalyst for using local, national and global resources in the best possible way for faster and more sustainable impact as we look to achieve the SDGs. Effective development co-operation that is country owned, focused on results, involves all type of partners, and is transparent and accountable, rebuilds trust that leads to impactful partnerships and better results in countries. 

Against this backdrop, the Global Partnership is hosting a hybrid event called ‘2022 Effective Development Co-operation Summit’ in Geneva, gathering Ministers and other high-level development co-operation partners from CSOs, the private sector, multilateral development banks, and others to rebuild trust and transform the way we work together.

As the first event in the road the Summit, this side event, held during the UN Financing for Development Forum, will discuss a) why a principled approach to building back better together from pandemics and climate change is essential and needs to be informed through evidence gathered from country-led Action Dialogues and b) how resources can be effectively utilized through effective partnering with development partners, multilateral development banks (MDBs) and the private sector to meet the challenges of today.



  • Ms. Ulrika Modeer, UN Sustainable Development Group Representative in the Global Partnership, BERA Director, UNDP

Opening Remarks

  • Mr. Daniel Epembe Mosango, General Secretary of the Ministry of Planning, Democratic Republic of Congo


  • Ms. Janet Longmore, Co-Lead of Business Leaders Caucus, CEO, Digital Opportunity Trust 


  • Mr. Dirk Reinermann, Director, Trust Funds and Partner Relations, Development Finance, Vice Presidency, World Bank


  • Mr. Andrew Smith, Director General, Global Affairs Canada


  • Ms. Nancy Silvia Sebastian, Director, Programs & Policies, Peruvian International Co-operation Agency

Closing Remarks

  • Mr. Thomas Gass, Ambassador, Swiss Development Co-operation Agency, Switzerland


NOTE: French and Spanish interpretation is available during the side event.

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