We Are #Generation Restoration – World Environment Day 2024 

Humanity cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils. We are the generation that can make peace with land. This is the focus of this year’s World Environment Day,  the countdown campaign that continues until 5 June.

Comments (1)

Régia Estevam Alves
Régia Estevam Alves

Great news!
The issue of soil degradation is fundamental to the fight against climate change. Soil, water, forests and climate are connected, and humanity needs to understand and accept this.
Last Saturday, I organised a field trip with students from a university here in Brazil (in the state of Mato Grosso/Brazil, where I am currently working). I was shocked by a rural region that is rich in rivers. All the rivers have no vegetation on their banks and the result is lots and lots and lots of erosion. In different parts of Brazil, I have observed many types of soil degradation, such as desertification, erosion and soil contamination in industrial farming areas and soil contamination by mercury in gold mining areas.
I am sharing some photos here to help illustrate my words as an effort to raise awareness of the issue of soil degradation.

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