What issue are you addressing? Why is UNDP involved?

Even though the number of new HIV and tuberculosis cases have been decreasing in Ukraine over the last couple of years, the number remains extremely high. In particular, according to the latest government data in 2020, 15,659 cases of HIV infection were officially registered in Ukraine. Besides, 10,791 people were diagnosed with tuberculosis for the first 6 months of 2020.

In addition to serious health challenges Ukrainians living with HIV and/or TB face on daily basis, they are also forced to deal with other significant issues, less noticeable to the public, which are stigma, discrimination, and human rights violations. According to the latest “People Living with HIV Stigma Index”, 11% of PLHIV experienced discrimination in Ukraine in 2020.

What is UNDP doing to address the issue?

In order to promote human rights and create a more supportive and inclusive environment for these vulnerable groups, UNDP has been working closely with both Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and representatives of the judicial system.

In 2018, UNDP conducted a Legal Environment Assessment for Tuberculosis to critically examine laws, policies and practices affecting TB response. The research revealed a number of legal barriers and discriminatory practices towards this vulnerable group and provided actionable, evidence-informed and human-rights-based recommendations, which were shared among legal experts, civil society and decision-makers to improve their understanding of measures needed to facilitate the recognition of the basic human rights of people with TB. In particular, over 140 recommendations for legislative changes set the priority goals for the key government institutions so that they strengthen their cooperation and better coordinate joint efforts to improve legal and social protection of the vulnerable group. Over the last 2 years under the leadership of Public Health Center (PHC) and Ministry of Health of Ukraine in line with ongoing healthcare and decentralization reforms several changes were implemented by the joint efforts of multiple stakeholders.

What impact has UNDP made in addressing the issue?

The findings of the Legal Environment assessment contributed to UNDP’s decision to strengthen cooperation with the representatives of the judiciary system as key players in creating a supportive legal environment for  people living with HIV, TB and co-infections and key populations at higher risk.

Judges in Ukraine


Thus, in 2018 the National Judges Platform on HIV, TB and Health Rights was launched by UNDP to exchange information and experience, raise awareness, strengthen the capacities and sensitize members of the judiciary on matters related to HIV, TB and human rights. The Legal Environment dialogue held in Ukraine in 2018 and 2019 were followed up by the first and second Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Judges Forum on HIV, Human Rights, and the Law in Moldova (October 2019) and in Tajikistan (October 2020). As a result, over 15 Ukrainian judges increased their awareness and capacities on issues related HIV, TB, human rights and the provision of legal support to people affected by HIV and TB. By engaging in such professional dialogues, both on national and regional levels, Ukrainian judges were able to learn more about the best international practices, as well as the ways they can be successfully implemented and applied to their national context, as well as conduct more informed assessment of the progress made in the area of legislation, institutional and policy measures and identify bottlenecks impeding the protection of the rights of key populations. The dialogue is ongoing, and the meeting of the National Judges Platform is scheduled for the first quarter of 2021.

At the moment, UNDP Ukraine is finalizing a Compendium of strategic litigation cases relevant to HIV and TB that further elucidates the crucial role of the Ukrainian judiciary in ensuring an effective HIV and TB response. The knowledge product will also present a comparison between the Ukrainian legislation on HIV and human rights and that of some selected European countries in an attempt to show the differences, gaps and opportunities for harmonization and reaching advanced international standards.

What key message do you have for other UNDP country offices?

 Active engagement of  civil society and representatives of the judiciary will contribute to greater  understanding of the challenges people living with HIV and TB face on  a daily basis, and, therefore, help them better protect and serve key and marginalized populations We hope that our experience will be useful for our colleagues in other countries in the region, since stigma and discrimination against key populations and other vulnerable groups is unfortunately still a widespread challenge.

For more information about the great work conducted by the health team in Ukraine contact: Dorin Rotaru, Health Programme Manager - [email protected] 

Comments (2)

John Macauley
John Macauley

Ukraine and UNDP Ukraine was one of the first countries in the region to work with judges and establish a national judges platform on HIV and the human rights and share experiences and knowledge.

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