
Considerable resources are needed to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The IMF has estimated the additional spending required to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in 5 sectors (health, education, water & sanitation, roads, electricity) (Gaspar and others 2019). A typical low-income development economy needs to increase spending in 2030 by about 15 percentage points of GDP. To address such large additional spending, countries would need to raise tax revenue and enhance spending efficiency. In addition, most will require additional financing, including from multilateral and bilateral official sources, and in the form of private investment.

The IMF SDG Financing Framework helps to illustrate different development plans that are consistent with achieving the SDGs. By varying assumptions on revenue mobilization and expenditure setting, the aim is to provide policymakers with a consistent approach to evaluating alternative development strategies to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

Along with the Framework, the online IMF SDG Financing Tool is an interactive scenario builder that can be used to assess the macroeconomic coherence of countries' SDG financing plans. It will help stakeholders advance long-term comprehensive plans, evaluate the impact of policies, and compare financing options.






Published  April 2023

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